Hoffa Watch

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Hoffa Regime Resignations

Defeated Southern VP Tyson Johnson and Central VP Gordon Sweeton have resigned from all their Teamster positions. But the damage has been done to freight Teamsters. 

Hoffa Delays Corruption Hearings

Hoffa-Hall won another delay in corruption proceedings against Ken Hall and top Hoffa aide Willie Smith. Members deserve an end to the corruption cover-ups and a rerun election so we can vote based on the facts.

Federal Judge Orders IBT to Turn Over Documents to Investigators

On December 27 Judge Loretta Preska ordered the Hoffa administration to turn over more than 32,000 documents because “they are necessary for the IIO to carry out its investigation of high-ranking IBT officials.”

Barbara S. Jones Appointed as Independent Review Officer

A new corruption officer has been named to hear the charges against Ken Hall, Rome Aloise, Willie Smith, Nicole Brener-Schmitz and other Hoffa administration officials.

The Fight Is On

With Hoffa discredited and nearly defeated, Teamsters United builds toward the future.

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