Save Our Pensions Campaign

TDU is uniting Teamsters and retirees together to save our pensions. We won a major victory when the Treasury Department rejected the Central States pension cut plan. But more than 400,000 Teamsters and retirees still face the threat of cuts. We're fighting back. We worked our whole lives for our pensions—now we are working together to defend them. 

TDU has joined forces with AARP, other unions, the Pension Rights Center and labor allies to support pension reform legislation that will strengthen our pension funds and save our benefits.



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Pension Activists Speak Out in Washington

Retired Teamsters from the Midwest and the Northeast met with representatives of Senator Bernie Sanders’ staff as well as other Congressional Reps recently to review efforts in support of the Keep Our Pension Promises Act (KOPPA). In this video, some of these grassroots fighters, representative of our pension protection movement, offer their insight and inspiration. Watch it and join the movement to protect pensions for all American workers. 

Teamsters Rally, Build Support for Pension Protection

Major political and labor leaders vowed to back pension protection for retirees at a rally of 400 people in the Minnesota State Capitol rotunda in St. Paul on Tuesday.

New York State Teamsters Pension Fund Withdraws Application

The New York State Teamsters Conference Pension and Retirement Fund has withdrawn the MPRA application for benefit cuts as a result of concerns raised by U.S. Treasury. 

A Winning Strategy to Save Pensions

Over the past three years, the Teamster pension protection movement has done a tremendous job: this grassroots movement stopped the Central States from slashing pensions, caused an investigation of the fund, and built political support far and wide. But can we win real pension protection? We think we can.

Pension Rights Center Calls for Action on Proposed Senate Resolutions

The Pension Rights Center has issued a letter opposing proposed Senate resolutions that will halt millions of private sector workers from saving for retirement. Many states have passed legislation that allows for low-cost savings plans for employees who do not have access to a pension or a 401(k). The Senate resolutions would overturn a Department of Labor rule that allows cities and states to enable employers to offer low-cost savings plans. 

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