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UPS Quarterly Profits Break Record

December 5, 2006: UPS’s third-quarter after-tax profits rose to $1.04 billion, with strong growth in domestic and international shipments. Profit in the largest business line, domestic packages, rose 8.8 percent and international profits jumped 22 percent. UPS reported only one weak spot: integration of Menlo Forwarding (UPS Cartage Services Inc.) and Overnite (UPS Freight).

Big Issues Not on the Table Yet

UPS Bargaining Opens November 4, 2006. Will the present International Union leadership fight for a good contract at UPS? One bad sign is that they are already keeping contract information secret from the members. At the October contract proposal meeting they wouldn’t even let local officers leave with copies of the union’s proposals, which they promptly handed to management. Fortunately, TDU has obtained copies of the both the union and employer non-monetary bargaining proposals. You...

UPS Requires Drivers to Head Out on Their Own Time

  July 2006. Recently UPS management has quietly expanded a rural route scheme that they launched under the 2002 contract. Members from North Carolina to California report that UPS is moving the starting locations for certain rural routes from the UPS building to vacant lots 50 or 60 miles away. Drivers are then forced to drive the extra miles on their own dime to get to work—or relocate, or just bid off the routes and...

Pilots to Vote on Contract

July 25, 2005: In late June the Independent Pilots Association issued UPS an ultimatum: come up with a final contract offer or face a strike. Management has dragged its feet on reaching an agreement, now into their fourth year of bargaining. Management did come across with an agreement, which will now be put to a vote of the 2,500 pilots. Not all terms of the contract have been released. Pay for UPS pilots has lagged...

UPS Pilots Sign Contract

October 18, 2006. On Aug. 31, UPS’s 2,775 pilots narrowly ratified an eight-year contract which will give them immediate raises of 18 to 26 percent. The contract was ratified with 56 percent voting yes. UPS pilots belong to the Independent Pilots Association. They were in the Teamsters but left in the 1980s to form the IPA. UPS pilots got a 29 percent raise over the life of their last seven-year contract. For the new contract,...
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Over 800 Turn Out to Voice Opposition to Proposed Cuts

Karen Friedman from the Pension Rights Center spoke before a packed auditorium of over 800 retired and active Teamsters and family members at the Treasury sponsored public forum with Kenneth Feinberg in Detroit.

UPS & UPS Freight Grievance Panel Docket

Union officers representing UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters will meet with company officials for the first national grievance panel of the year. Download information on the cases they’ll be hearing. 

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