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UPS Hits New Low in Attack on Pregnant Employees

When Mary Plagman's doctor put her on a 25-pound weight restriction because of her pregnancy, UPS management informed her that they had no work available for her. As they have done with many other women in her position, UPS forced her off the job and onto leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).Anticipating the end of her FMLA leave Plagman-Markham planned to go onto disability leave, but now UPS is challenging her ability...

Unite and Conquer: Notes from a UPS Part-Timer

Every day I walk to the time clock to punch in. On the way, I say “hey” to a handful of loaders, sorters, and a few clerks, but rarely a driver. At my shop, solidarity between UPS drivers and part-timers is the biggest and most overlooked issue. Management deserves credit for dividing us. In response, Teamsters must do an even better job of coming together on the shop floor. We may all work at the...

Will the IBT Rise to the Challenge?

The $1.25 billion acquisition of Overnite Transportation by UPS marks a turning point in the transportation industry and for our Teamsters union. The largest employer of Teamsters will soon operate an enormous nonunion freight division. And the Teamsters’ worst nemesis in the freight industry, Overnite, will be financially backed by the most profitable transportation company in the world. UPS-Overnite is the face of the new trucking industry in which all the big players—Yellow-Roadway, FedEx, DHL—are...

Fighting the Overtime Blues

A long hot summer has been even longer and hotter for the thousands of UPS package car drivers who contend with constant and excessive overtime. The short-term impact of this problem on Teamsters is tremendous. Weekday family life is nonexistent. Weekends are for recovery. The long-term effects include more injuries, more accidents and difficulty making it to retirement age. TDU spoke with a number of stewards and business agents about this issue and what can...

Know Your Rights: UPS & Military Leave

UPS management’s compliance with the law protecting workers serving in the military has had its ups and downs. The law is the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994. It offers a number of protections, such as the mandate that employers continue to provide medical coverage and that they contribute to pension plans for the period of leave. USERRA also says that employers must make employees whole upon their return to work...
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Get Ready to Run for Delegate

Teamster members are building a campaign to vote out Hoffa-Hall and elect the Teamsters United Slate. Upcoming Convention Delegate elections are the critical next step in the campaign.

Pension Movement Makes News at Republican Debate

Pension cuts got a hearing outside yesterday's Republican presidential debate thanks to Bob Amsden and other Teamster activists from the Wisconsin Committee to Protect Pensions. 

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