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Carhaulers Plan Next Steps after Rejection

August 14, 2008: After voting by a 60-40 margin to reject a concessionary agreement offered by the International Union, carhaulers are planning to reverse the concessions and win a better contract. Click here to see the vote count results. It was the first national trucking contract rejection since the 1980s, when Teamster president Jackie Presser was handing out concessions. This deal was so bad, even Presser would have been embarrassed to try to sell it....

Carhaul Concessionary Contract Rejected

August 12, 2008: Rank-and-file carhaulers have flexed their muscles and decisively rejected a tentative agreement loaded with concessions. Their vote will send union negotiators back to bargain a more acceptable contract. Tom Landwehr, a rank-and-file observer told us from the count site in Maryland that “I was nervous about it this morning, but the No votes just kept piling up. I feel good about our own Local 327—we had a good vote there. The members...

Carhaul Contract Ratification Vote

August 12, 2008: The ballots cast on the tentative national carhaul agreement are being counted, and initial partial results are available. Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) will make results available as soon as possible, on a local-by-local basis. Click here to see preliminary results.

Carhaul Vote Count Results

The ballots cast on the tentative national carhaul agreement have been tallied and the contract was rejected. Yes: 2,076  No: 2,939 Below are tentative local-by-local results. Updated at 9:44 AM, Aug. 13. Central-Southern Supplement Local City Master Supplement Yes No Yes No 5  Baton Rouge, La. 3 14 3 14 20  Toledo, Ohio 43 55 46 52 26  Danville, Ill. 5 6 3 9 41  Kansas City 71 213 71 213 79  Tampa, Fla. 6...

Carhaul Contract Ballot Count Today

August 11, 2008: The ballots cast on the tentative national carhaul agreement will be counted on Tuesday, August 12, and the count could continue the following day as well. Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) will make results available as soon as possible, on an on-going, local-by-local basis. Check or contact the TDU office. The ballots will be picked up from the post office in the morning, and then the sorting and processing will...
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Strike Threat Paying Off at the Bargaining Table with UPS

Yesterday, our union won major victories on three strike issues. UPS will convert all two-tier 22.4s into RPCDs with full pay and rights, establish Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday, and end forced sixth and seventh punches. Big issues remain as the clock ticks toward the July 5 deadline, but this is huge!

Members Approve New Contract at ABF

ABF Teamsters have voted to approve a new national contract at ABF, as well as 25 of 27 supplements. Today the Teamsters national negotiating committee and supplemental committees met with ABF and negotiated new tentative agreements for the Western Pickup & Delivery and the Southern Garage supplements. Members in those supplements will vote on revised TAs within the next week.

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