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Carhaul: How About a Two-Year Contract?

February 21, 2008: Bargaining begins for the national carhaul contract in March, and the concessions at Allied could spread. Carhaul Teamsters are talking about what we can do to protect our master contract and our Teamster standards. In late January Teamster carhaul officials met to screen contract proposals and formulate the demands for the national contract that expires May 30. On Feb. 20 local officials will meet again to approve the union’s demands. Bargaining will...

Carhaul: Can a Two-Year Contract Help Rebuild Teamster Power?

February 1, 2008: In late January Teamster carhaul officials met to screen contract proposals and formulate demands for the national contract that expires May 30. Hopefully the good proposals submitted by members and locals will be put on the table, but the fact remains that a large chunk of Teamsters carhaulers are stuck under the 2007 Allied concession deal that lasts another two years. This creates a tough bargaining climate for our union. The 17.5...

Carhaul Bargaining to Open

January 10, 2008: The IBT Carhaul Division will soon start bargaining with the employers for a new national contract. The current contract expires May 31. But the negotiations will be held under a cloud of concessions. As of mid-January, the future of the 1,500 Teamsters employed at PTS is up in the air. In December the International Union conducted a vote of Allied Teamsters to cut the wages of PTS Teamsters in the event that...

Carhaul Contract Proposals Due January 15

January 8, 2008: The International Union has opened a very narrow window to allow carhaulers a chance to submit proposals for the new national contract. That window shuts on January 15, the deadline for members’ proposals. Some locals are holding meetings to take and discuss proposals, but some are not. Carhaulers who want to submit contract proposals should use the Carhaul Division’s form. A copy of that form is available for download here. Those forms...

Concessions for PTS Carhaulers Approved

December 19, 2007: The International Union pushed through 17.5% wage concessions for 1500 PTS Teamsters, by giving none of them the right to vote on the pay cut. Allied Teamsters voted by a 3-1 margin to approve the concessions, in balloting tallied today. There were nearly one thousand fewer votes cast than in the Allied vote in April, when most strong carhaul locals voted No. Most angry Teamsters simply didn’t vote in the charade, and...
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ABF Teamsters Authorize a Strike

ABF Teamsters have voted by 97.73% to authorize a strike. The contract covering 8,000 Teamsters at ABF expires on June 30.

On the Table in UPS Talks: Ending Article 40 Concessions

Eliminating loopholes in Article 40 is on the table in national contract negotiations and UPS Teamsters who work in UPS’s air operations are ready to close the concessions stand for good.

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