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Allied Requests Wage, Benefit Concessions

In a March 26 letter to its employees, Allied Systems revealed that back on Jan. 8 they requested the elimination of the June 1, 2002, contractual wage increase and health and welfare increase. Incredibly, Teamster leaders never bothered to inform the 6,000 Teamsters employed by Allied about the details of this concession request made three months ago. The International has rejected the deal; there is no way it could be accepted. Other carriers would immediately...

Allied Gives Away More Carhaul Jobs

Allied is in the process of giving away the yard jobs at seven GM plants, reportedly about 200 Teamster jobs. Flint, Detroit, Ft.Wayne, Janesville, Wisc; Moraine, Ohio; Bowling Green, KY; and Doraville, Ga are going to lose Teamster yard jobs as the work goes to Vascor from Allied’s TSI subsidiary. Allied is apparently not even bidding on the work. Vascor is a growing logistics player in the auto industry and already operates some off-site yard...

Allied Demands Carhaul Concessions

Allied Automotive Group has once again demanded concessions from Teamster carhaulers in the form of relief from the June 1 2005 wage increase and relief from “restrictive, non-competitive work rules.” IBT Carhaul Director Doc Conder turned Allied down on February 18. Allied’s CEO Hugh Sawyer dropped a hint (or a threat) into his February 1 letter, now distributed widely to Allied Teamsters, by mentioning the possibility of bankruptcy. If Sawyer attempts to use bankruptcy court...

Go Teamsters: ATT Workers to Vote on Union

Auto Truck Transport (ATT) drivers across the country will soon get a chance to vote to become Teamsters. In mid- September the NLRB issued the election decision for 1,300 drivers in a nation-wide unit. ATT is controlled by Dennis Troha, the CEO of Active Transport, which is covered by our national carhaul contract. ATT was created a decade ago as a union-busting device, and Troha has been able to evade the language against double-breasting in...

Union Hires Pollster to Sell Carhaul Concessions

The Hoffa administration hired a polling firm in May to ask many of the 4,000 Teamsters employed by Allied Automotive Group if they would accept mid-term contract concessions. The poll asked Teamsters if they would forego the June 1 wage increase of 40 cents per hour or accept other concessions. U.S. and Canadian Teamster carhaulers have not had a raise in three years. Allied management (or is it mismanagement?) has once again demanded concessions, claiming...
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Teamster troublemakers are celebrating victories and making plans for the year ahead. Check out our highlights from 2022 and resolutions for the year ahead—and help TDU organize for change in 2023 with an end-of-year donation.

UPS Contract Campaign: Stop Excessive Overtime!

The Teamsters Union is organizing a nationwide action starting on January 3 against unwanted excessive overtime at UPS. It’s not enough for UPS Teamsters to have jobs that support our families. We need jobs that allow us to see our families!

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