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UPS Teamsters Vote by 97% To Strike—Now Keep Up the Momentum

UPS Teamsters have voted by 97% to authorize a strike if UPS does not negotiate the contract we deserve by August 1. 

Strike Threat Makes UPS Deliver Air Conditioning!

UPS Teamsters won a game-changing victory this week when the National Negotiating Committee reached a tentative agreement making UPS deliver air conditioning and other equipment to protect members who work in extreme heat. 

Contract Campaign Webinar: UPS Strike Vote & Beyond - Watch the Recording

This weekend, over 1,300 UPS Teamsters from across the country joined us to make plans for turning out an overwhelming Yes Vote to authorize a strike at UPS and to hear about next steps in the contract campaign. Watch the webinar recording here.

Stay Informed, Stay United, Vote Yes to Authorize a Strike at UPS

Read the latest Teamsters strike vote information including a letter from Sean O’Brien and Fred Zuckerman and a Q&A. Spread the word and vote yes to authorize a strike.

UPS Teamster Strike Vote

UPS Teamsters will begin in-person voting to authorize a strike if UPS refuses to negotiate a fair agreement before the contract expires on July 31.

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Albertsons Teamsters Ratify Strong Contract

Last year, Local 771 members elected new local leaders on a program of building union power by involving members. Now nearly 500 grocery Teamsters at Albertsons have won a new contract that includes record wage increases and benefit improvements.

Watch Webinar: Build Bargaining Power with a Contract Campaign

From national contracts to local agreements, unions are mobilizing to take on employers and win. Watch the recording of the webinar to hear how.

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