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Rhode Island Teamsters Blow the Whistle on Harassment at UPS

UPS Teamsters in Rhode Island Local 251 passed out more than 400 whistles and “blew the whistle” on harassment at UPS. The very next day, a top supervisor who serially harassed employees was removed from his position.

Fueled by Pandemic & Contract Givebacks, UPS Reports Record Shattering Profits

UPS reported record-shattering $24.9 billion in fourth-quarter revenue and $7.8 billion in operating profits after taxes for the year. The corporate windfall makes the givebacks imposed by Hoffa & Co. in the 2018 contract an even more bitter pill to swallow than it was already.

UPS Freight Sold to Canadian Corporation TFI

In a surprise move, UPS has sold UPS Freight to TFI, a Canadian trucking and logistics corporation. 

It's Been a Long Nightmare Before Christmas for UPS and Postal Workers

Every year, workers at the Postal Service and UPS expect to work long hours between Thanksgiving and Christmas. “This is like our Super Bowl,” said Kimberly Karol, president of the Iowa Postal Workers (APWU). “Employees really do rally together.”

But this year has been like no other. Workers were still catching their breath from last year’s holiday peak when the pandemic struck and online ordering ratcheted up. It was like Christmas all over again—and it never stopped.

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How the 1997 UPS Strike Was Won

Twenty-three years ago, Teamster members won labor’s biggest victory in decades in the 1997 UPS strike. What are the lessons for today?

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Old Dominion Bids $1.5 B for Yellow's Terminals

Old Dominion Freight Lines has bid $1.5 billion to acquire all of Yellow's terminals. This bid is confirmed in Yellow's August 18 filing (attached below) with the bankruptcy court; ODFL's offer is detailed on page 22 and signed by ODFL's CEO on page 29.

UPS Teamsters Overwhelmingly Approve New Contract, Capping Year-Long Campaign

UPDATED: UPS Teamsters culminated a year-long contract campaign by voting in record turnout to approve their new contract by 86.3 percent. The National Master Agreement is now in effect. Wage increases will be paid retroactive to August 1. Click here to read the local-by-local vote count.

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