Photo Story: A Historic TDU Convention
TDU’s 47th Annual Convention is a wrap. More than 450 Teamsters attended our largest Convention since the 1997 UPS strike. We are looking ahead, fired up, and arming ourselves with the tools to fight back and win.

UPS Profits Are Up. So Is Teamster Members’ Determination.
UPS announced third quarter profits of $2.58 billion, an increase over last year. With peak season profits ahead, management can thank UPS Teamsters for a profit haul that beat Wall Street expectations. Here’s why.

Sysco Teamsters Strike Wave Wins Better Contracts
Sysco Teamsters are using strikes and solidarity to fight for better contracts. More than 800 Sysco Teamsters in three states are celebrating contract victories after they lined up their expiring contracts and took coordinated strike action.

Members Run for Office in San Diego
Members in San Diego Local 542 are organizing to win their local union election.

Winning the Right to Elect Stewards
Stockton Local 439 members won the right to elect their shop stewards after organizing a successful campaign to change their local union bylaws.

Education for Union Power
TDU online and in-person workshops bring members together to learn about union rights and share strategies for building a stronger Teamsters Union.

Organizing for a Strong UPS Contract
UPS Teamsters organized to elect new International Union leaders who will stand behind the members and stand up to UPS. We don’t have Hoffa to blame anymore. Now, it’s up to us.

UPS Contract Supplement Comparison
UPS Teamsters have a new tool to understand their contract and prepare for contract negotiations. The UPS Contract Supplement Comparison can be found online at www.upsteamstersunited.org

Members Speak Out on Contract Goals
UPS members speak out on what they're willing to fight for in the next UPS contract.