Pension Crisis Timeline
Hoffa promised a “Real 25 & Out” Pension to every Teamster. Instead, he’s overseen the worst pension crisis in Teamster history. Over 400,000 Teamsters face pension cuts. The pension crisis timeline reveals how we got here. The Save Our Pensions movement points the way forward.

Building the Teamsters United Campaign
Teamsters will vote for new International Union leadership this fall. Get involved in the Teamsters United campaign to elect General President Fred Zuckerman and the Teamsters United slate.

Fighting for Pensions & the American Dream
On April 14, Teamsters will rally in Washington to tell political leaders to Save Our Pensions. They are fighting not just for Teamster retirees, but for the pensions of millions of Americans.

The Corporate Attack on Pensions What’s at Stake, How to Win
Corporate America will do anything for a buck. They’ll move our jobs to China to lower wages; they’ll move their headquarters to Bermuda to cheat on taxes; they’ll try to destroy our pensions and impose 401Ks to lower costs and shift the risk off of companies and on to retirees.

So Cal Grocery Teamsters Hit with Concessions
Members and stewards organized to reject contract givebacks in the So Cal grocery industry—but old guard officials forced through a concessionary deal. It’s a case study in why Teamsters need to organize for change if we’re going to defend our contracts.

Meeting the Challenge at UPS
How UPS’s changing business model is boosting profits and destroying working conditions and good full-time jobs—and what our union should be doing about it.

The King of the Concessions Fatcats
Top Teamster officials have hit members with givebacks while taking big raises themselves. One Concessions Fatcat stands above the rest.

The Pension Movement: How We Can Win
With only token help from the International union, a grassroots movement of Teamsters has put proposed cuts to earned pensions on the national agenda.

Carhaulers Say NO to Concessions, Job Loss
Five weeks after carhaulers said Hell No to a concessionary contract by 87%, members have not heard anything on what the International union plans to do.